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This photo was taken in the high mountains of Adjara, Georgia, while I was doing my projec

Iglesia Bautista Fe

Perfil del Misionero
Campo Misionero:
Coscatlán, El Salvador
Años de servicio:
Iglesia Enviadora:
Iglesia Bautista de Lancaster
Agencia Misionera:
Misiones Internacionales Bautistas Inc.
We have supported for 0 years.
Lancaster, California
harrison, Tennesse
Adán Fridenstino
Ester Fridenstino

June 13, 2024

We are doing great down here! Full speed ahead as usual.

This has been an exceptionally busy time as I have been in meetings and plans with the police chaplains to get the Bibles into the hands of all of our police. Also we have been able to go to 2 different local police stations and present a NT to each officer, a full Bible to the Jefe and the plan of salvation clearly explained for all. They all hear a clear presentation of the Gospel and have a chance to respond in a prayer time, though we can’t actually have a come forward invitation, it wouldn’t work well in that situation as they are all in formation and can’t really respond or move, but God can certainly touch their hearts.
With that we are cranking up a great plan to get these Bibles presented to every officer in the country with the plan of salvation. It is fun trying to connect pastors, chaplains and police across our country.

This week we are having a seminary class, Intro to missions taught by Dr. JB Godfrey. It has been an incredible time so far with nearly 50 students taking the class in person and nearly a dozen more online.

We are planning to host a church group from Minnesota next week and have a national level youth conference at the tail end of the week. It’s fun to mix several activities all together 🙃

Blessed to see the Lord working. Praying for more fruit along the way.

We are starting into raining season which has turned into a blessing. We are having consistent problems with our water supply from the city, but during rainy season we can gather up the rain water and use that for many of our water tanks that feed the bathrooms and our non-drinking water supply. One way or another, God provides 😁

Adam Fridenstine
El Salvador

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